Positive affirmations + a free worksheet


Happy New Year!

Hope you had a wonderful few weeks full of family, sunshine & love and you were spoiled rotten- whether with gifts or just the gift of loved ones!

I had a wonderful break myself! My partner Levi and I drove from Sydney to Beachport, stopping off in Melbourne to see friends and meet their baby, and then venturing down the great Ocean Road!


As you may already know I am from New Zealand so a lot of Australia is still new to me, and wow! It was amazing! We stopped to check out a few waterfalls and lookouts and I probably used half a bottle of serum dabbing on my wrists to combat the car sickness (hehe, yes I am one of those!) but it was just stunning. (Can you tell I really enjoyed it!) We spent our Christmas in Beachport eating, drinking cocktails, swimming, laughing, chasing the kids around (not my kids yet, but seriously how good do kids make Christmas! So much joy!), painting, more eating and more swimming. Perfection. I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all of you who waited patiently for me to return to send orders and reply to emails, it was the first holiday Levi and I had had together at Christmas time ever and hopefully we can make time to make it a regular occurrence!

So, my goals this year are more about loving myself (unconditionally!), personal growth and happiness. And they are:

Walk! That’s it, just walk! 

Everyday, first thing, just walk! Some days this may just be 10 minutes, to the end of the road and back, or some days it may be a hike for 2 hours with girlfriends. I go through phases of doing this on and off, but I find so much benefit in when I keep it up so this is my first goal this year. When I walk I listen to podcasts and so I count this as personal growth and development time. In previous years I have set fitness based goals around weight, but I have been the same weight and size since I was 14 that I have finally come to accept that that’s just the size I am! I struggled about whether I should include this because a) why do you care and b) I still don’t think my partner even knows (insert emoji laughing/crying face) but I think this is one thing that makes me who I am! I weigh around 75kgs and this fluctuates around 2kg’s either way depending on the time of the month, if there is a really awesome holiday which has just passed (HELLLLLO EASTER!) and a wear a size 14-16, sometimes 18! In saying this I really don’t weigh myself anymore, I don’t need to- the scales are just gathering dust! Why waste energy on something that doesn’t serve me or who I am. Why keep setting unrealistic, unhealthy and at times stressful expectations for myself!? I have come to accept my body and love it the way it is. This year I have set my exercise goal based on what it gives me- not what it takes away. It helps me clear my head, brainstorm ideas, work out feelings, keep me healthy, help me sleep better and forces me to drink more water (because I bought a snazzy water belt which Levi despises- but remember how I give no fucks? And also I get really thirsty!). Exercise and moving my body makes me feel strong and sexy- and I don’t need a gym contract, a tight schedule or unachievable rules and regulations to achieve that. I have also found time on my own is super important, so I am making this a priority and scheduling it in to my Google calendar.

Do my affirmations! 

Affirmations are a series of mantras or phrases you say to yourself, I say mine out loud in the shower, daily while I body brush my entire body (this also has huuuuuuge benefits! Let me know if you would like to read a blog post on this another time) and repeat twice. I find huge benefits in my life and my confidence when I practice this ritual regularly. Granted, like the walking goal I go through phases of doing this religiously, and then just not. I am far from perfect, but I am trying! There is such value in building routine and stability in to your life and I think it’s telling that all of my goals are sort of based on this or incorporate routines somehow. So to hold myself accountable I am writing mine out and I think this is something super personal, but I base them on the characteristics and qualities I value and embody or want to value and embody. For example a few of mine are “I am loved” “I am kind” “I am capable”. If you want to give this a go download our free printable by clicking here > Positive Affirmations Worksheet 

Be Grateful! 

This could mean so many things! But to me, this year- I am working on a daily gratitude journal, making my partner Levi feel loved and appreciated through spontaneous acts of kindness and keeping in touch with friends and family weekly by writing one person a hand written letter a week. Being grateful and showing gratitude regularly creates a fuller, happier life- not because it gives you more but because you recognise all of the things you have that you value and that give you joy! This week I took my partners shirts to the Laundromat to be ironed (because I am NOT an ironer, ain’t no body got time fo dat! Know your strengths and work to them I say) and put them back in the closet with a note pinned to them. This week I wrote a love letter to my sister and sent her a bottle of serum because she was all out and it’s her fave!

What were your resolutions this year? Let me know if you work out some of your own affirmations I would love to hear them! Leave a comment below or share a pic on Instagram with the hashtag #dsaffirmations and tag us @deliciousskin.

xoxo Nicola Marie